Responsibilities of Parties

Last updated December 12th, 2012

The Student

  • attends all scheduled classes
  • attends all pre-placement and integration sessions
  • observes the rules and regulations of the placement
  • follows health and safety regulations
  • dresses neatly and appropriately as required by the placement
  • reports to work punctually
  • notifies the teacher-monitor of any concerns or accidents at the training station
  • maintains a record of daily impressions, tasks and activities performed at the placement
  • submits the daily record to the teacher-monitor and the supervisor to ensure that learning objectives are appropriate and are being met
  • reviews the learning plan periodically with the teacher-monitor and the supervisor to ensure that learning objectives are appropriate and are being met
  • notifies the teacher-monitor of any concerns or accidents encountered at the placement
  • shares impressions of the training station experiences in classroom integration sessions
  • completes required assignment
  • evaluates the program and the learning experience

The Parent or Guardian

  • receives information about cooperative education form the local school
  • is invited to attend school activities pertaining to cooperative education
  • grants permission for the student to participate in a cooperative education program
  • completes the required forms
  • offers ongoing support

The Supervisor

  • develops a learning plan and work schedule with the assistance of the teacher-monitor
  • shares expertise with students\reviews the learning plan periodically with the teacher monitor and the student to ensure that the curriculum expectations are being met
  • reviews the learning plan periodically with the teacher-monitor and the student to ensure that the curriculum expectations are appropriate and are being met
  • maintains a record of the student’s attendance
  • verifies the student’s daily record
  • treats the student as a regular employee in training
  • communicates with the teacher-monitor on a regular basis
  • assists the teacher-monitor in evaluation of the student’s performance and the cooperative education program
  • provides on-going feedback to the student, provides a safe working environment and reports accidents involving the student immediately to the school.

    Be sure to make the necessary arrangements to be marked present on the daily attendance if you are attending coop in the afternoon after being marked absent in the morning. Any absences from coop should be explained on your log sheet; make sure

    you let your coop employer and your coop teacher know about absences in advance.